MBO (Management By Objectives)

Management by objectives (MBO) is a personnel management technique where managers and
MBO (Management By Objectives)
employers work together to set, record and monitor goals for a specific period of time. Organizational goals and planning flow top-down through the organization and are translated into personal goals for organizational members.

Characteristics of MBO

  • It is a technique and philosophy of management.
  • Objectives are established for all levels of the organization.
  • Objectives in MBO provide guidelines for procedures.
  • A periodic review of performance is important.
  • Employees are provided with feedback an actual to planned performance.

Process of MBO

  • Establish long term goals.
  • Establish specific performance objectives.
  • Develop action plans.
  • Appraise result.
  • Take corrective action.

MBO (Management By Objectives)

Need and importance of MBO

  • MBO procedures clear and measurable performance goals.
  • MBO program sharpens the planning process.
  • MBO helps in developing effective controls.
  • MBO encourages commitment rather than compliance.
  • MBO improves communication between superiors and subordinates.